Welcome, Fellow Family Photographer!

I am so happy you are here!

Chances are, you are feeling overwhelmed by marketing your family photography business..

And know exactly how you feel.

Your day might look a little something like this: when you are not editing client images or responding to emails, you know you need to be marketing your business but when you open Instagram, you suddenly feel a lot of unwelcome feelings. Perhaps it is comparison with other photographers who seem to be much busier than you, or sadness that the image you posted yesterday feels glossed over or just plain overwhelm about what the heck you are even supposed to post next.

I remember when these feelings bubbled to the top for me in such an intense way that I did in fact contemplate drop kicking my phone into the woods behind my house and quitting my photography business all together.

I am really glad I didn't do that, though. This business has been one of the greatest gifts in my life. Being able to be creative, be my own boss and set my own schedule is priceless and I don't want to you to give up, either.

The distance between feeling unseen and overlooked to booked and trusted NOT in measured in more instagram followers, better locations, dancing on reels or a client closet... it comes down to having a personalized marketing strategy that helps you book out with clients looking for the type of art that makes your creative heart sing.

It is about opening instagram with a marketing plan.

Getting there is easier than you think! To show you how, I would love for you to join this class!

During this class we will....

  • Decode what the foundation of a trusted family photography business is built upon and how you can re-create it for you own business

  • Help turn your overwhelm about marketing into actionable steps

  • Come away with a birds eye view of your year and steps to take now to fill up your calendar in each coming season

  • Have a bit of chat about mindset, focus and productivity in marketing and how your brain is might be holding you back when it comes to booking out your brand + how to fix it

  • Our goal is NOT to use this information to blow up with tons of followers, it is about attracting the RIGHT followers/fans and delighting them

A brief overview of the four steps we will review:

-A booked out business is NOT built on searching out "ideal clients" and selling to them. It is built on consistently creating ideal art, educating and inspiring your fans and converting them into clients. We will help identity what that type of art is for your business

-Marketing the entire year is really overwhelming so we will break the year up into seasons (they will differ from photographer to photographer) so we can view each season in individual chunks

-Together, we will map out your ideal season so that you are photographing the type sessions you love instead of saying yes to non-deal clients out of lack

-From there we will create content pillars and help you break up your content into sections and chat about the most helpful places to share that content, how to recycle it and tips and tricks to be more a productive marketer.

just imagine...

You log onto Instagram and instead of looking at the work of other photographers and wondering if you are doing the right things, you have your own personalized plan and you know just what to work on to book more sessions you love!

50 Page Family Photographer Marketing Planner PDF included:

But who is teaching?

Meet Fiona!

Hi, I am the lady behind Fiona Margo Photography + Fiona Margo Photographer Education. I operate near Seattle Washington and I have been photographing local families since 2011. My style is very relaxed and playful and I have built a successful business doing what I love.

When I first started out, I learned by trial and error (which is still an amazing -tho time consuming- way to learn) meaning hours and hours of reading, podcasts, scouring Facebook message boards, Googling and YouTubing. While figuring out things on our own is important, there are some things I would love to show you that will help you spend more time building your business and photographing families and less time spinning your wheels with strategies that don't work. In my business, this led to busy, booked out family photography business.

I have taught in-person workshops in Seattle and in my studio on Bainbridge Island and hosted the Flourish + Fern Workshop in the Fixer Upper barn in Waco, Texas. Over the past few years, I have hosted small group coaching on marketing for family photographers, one-on-one marketing reviews and in-person mentorships. I've also taught at the Unraveled Academy + be featured on the Photo Biz Podcast!

I am a huge fan of women being able to create the business of their dreams and have come up with strategies that have really helped me save time, set up boundaries (with my clients and my family) and focus on the type of work I love.

Cannot wait to get to know more about your business!

Ready to join?

Feb 16th | Zoom | 10:30am-Noon PST